NCI Chromatic Tutorial
Navigate to Chromatic:
Enter into your browser's URL box.
Then click on Browse samples.
Click on TCBR Texas Cancer Research Biobank
Click on (More Info) link for information about the Texas Biobank Samples.
Click on TCRBOA1-N-WES link to browser this sample.
Notice the Position box
Enter "TP53" ( the official name of a famous gene) and hit return key or "Submit" button
Use the "righthalf button" a couple of time to focus in on the variant
Use the "righthalf button" a couple of time to focus in on the variant
That looks like a heterozygous variant!
Notice the zygosity track.
Use the dashboard buttons to fine tune the region of interst.
Single nucleotides from short reads that do not match the reference (mismatch) are in these colors:
A C G T Ins Del